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Yes, this page hasn't been updated like forever... sooooo.. I'm gonna help update when I have the free time~ (gonna leave it to you to figure out who I am)

sooo, June has been a fun filled month, how many of us can agree? The little moments that we share with each other are what that makes each day awesome. Some memories of June~ =)

Hope you enjoyed your birthday celebrations Xiaoshi and Jordan =) GUYS, hope you can never forget the sweet memories that we created at LOUD camp. The times we shared, the seconds we ate during meals XD The wet, wet games, the burger burger game that we never seem to get tired of, not to mention the obnoxious six-time champion ;D (DONT KILL ME HING CHEUNG!!) and awesome friends that we made, like Daniel, Xin Ni and not forgetting Andrew too!!

Soo, June has officially come to a close. And July has opened up. The many memories and values you experienced and learnt, don't forget to bring them over to July, and don't forget to keep on walking, for if you keep following God, even the largest adversities will never tear you down. You will be the head, and never the tail!

Everyone, let's look forward to July with a new vision and hope to glorify God! Hilel Jehovah! Hallelujah!
(p.s. Jayesslee is coming next week and Emerge on the following week!!! WOOOT! can't wait.)

Stay happy and healthy, rock on, PEARLS OF GOD!

Posted on Sunday, July 3, 2011 at 8:04 AM.