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A squirrel, a small little animal with furry, silky coat that can measure from 10cm to sometimes 70+cm.
Squirrels are usually solitary animals, that are extremely independent. However, when grouped together, they can easily communicate and listen to each other through their high pitched voices and tail movements. A simple flick of the tail to the others lets them know it's time to run away! Leaving no victims for the Hawk. Conclusion? We may be strong and independent, but one can only do so much when they are alone. However, when we are together as a group, we can work together through even the toughest situations, or in this case, the biggest hawks. E391!, we are a big family, let's always stay together, undivided. For a place of agreement is a place of power!

Posted on Monday, July 11, 2011 at 9:04 AM.